Is your child accessing their full potential?
Learning takes place in the brain, but it is from the body that the brain receives information.
Learning and behavior are products of how the brain and body work together.
Lack of body-brain harmony affects a child’s ability to achieve academically and is not necessarily related to a child’s intelligence.
Make things easier for your child with SOLUTIONS that address the ROOT CAUSE of the issues
Give your child an individualized, home-based program backed by neurological research tailored to your child’s unique situation.
The Learner Success Program includes a selection of proven multisensory methods done at home, typically over the course of a year.
The daily commitment ranges from 20 minutes to 1 hour, according to a schedule planned in advance.
The Tomatis® Method is a natural approach to neurosensory stimulation and the premier sound training program. Its listening programs change the music and voice in real time in order to capture the brain’s attention and to develop motor, emotional and cognitive skills.
The Tomatis® Method impacts
Phonological & linguistic awareness: improves ability to understand, analyze, and interpret the basic sounds of language.
Gross & fine motor skills and balance: acts on the vestibule located in the inner ear (the system for balance, coordination, and movement).
Visual system: stimulates the vestibular-ocular connection.
Oral expression: impacts the audio vocal loop and communication.
Interactive Metronome® (IM) is a patented and unique training tool that challenges thinking and movement simultaneously, providing real-time millisecond feedback to help synchronize the body’s “internal clock.”
Timing in the brain is the basis for attention, working memory and processing speed, all of which are critical for social interaction, attention, handwriting, behavior and language development.
If the brain and body cannot communicate effectively, efficiently and rhythmically, the signals may get crossed. Sometimes they don’t make it at all. That is where IM can help.
Synchronizing the body’s “internal clock” helps the functional brain networks communicate rhythmically and efficiently. The efficient communication between the brain and body allows all systems to be working at peak levels.
INPP (Institute of Neuro-Physiological Psychology) Method looks at how balance, coordination, visual and auditory processing affect learning and classroom achievement.
The INPP Method integrates retained primitive reflexes.
Babies are born with primitive reflexes that are inhibited by higher brain centers during infancy.
If infant reflexes didn’t fully integrate and develop as they should have, it can lead to problems with balance, motor control, eye functioning, eye-hand coordination, and visual perception.
Retained primitive reflexes are indicators of problems with body-brain harmony. The child created compensations to adjust and has to exert more effort.
In response to reflex integration, previous difficulties disappear and learning becomes easier.